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Showing posts with label fishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fishing. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Odds and ends, food on the run (& swim!)

We're not particularly big breakfast people. Of course, everyone enjoys a nice big plate filled with biscuits and gravy, home-made hash browns, generous strips of full-fat bacon and lots of REAL from-the-tree maple syrup. But... that's hardly our daily fare. We're lucky if we heat up a bowl of oatmeal and manage a bitter cup of coffee from our little french press before we dash out the door. More often, we just leave the house empty handed and wait until lunch or break time.

However! (yes, there's a however to that bleak little introduction) toaster pancakes and waffles are a quick option that rival that bowl of hot oatmeal when we have them on hand. Instead of buying them, I use up the odds and ends of fruit that are on their last legs to make flavored pancakes; bananas and apples that are a little bit bruised and squishy make some awesome toaster pancakes.

This morning found me with a couple of scoops of pancake mix and some gnarly looking bananas. So, you guessed it! banana pancake time. Once I cooked them up, I let them cool on wire racks and then placed them on cookie sheets lined with wax paper in the freezer. Once they're frozen I'll stack them up and put them in a ziplock bag. BAM! ready made food on the run.

Speaking of freezing on cookie sheets, Jonathan went deep sea fishing with his father and brother to celebrate their dad's birthday this weekend. They caught 30 fish (various types of cod) and we now have quite a few fillets on our hands. I did the same freezing maneuver with the fillets that I did with the pancakes and now I have two gallon ziplocks full of individually frozen cod fillets ready to cook one of these nights. I've never had cod before, so I'm on the look out for some delicious sounding recipes. We'll let you know how it turns out.

Dinner tonight: Bubble Pizza a sure crowd pleaser.